Ask a Researcher

Rita Ochoa took part in the initiative “ask a researcher”, organized by UNIGHT. In this iniciative, various reasearchers of UBI have been interviewed about their researches, with the goal to disseminate accademic knowledge to wider publics. In her interview, Rita described the project Intermittent Cities, its goals and its methods. 

UNITA is an alliance of six universities (UNITO, USMB, UPPA, UBI, UVT, UniZar) aiming at establishing a new model of increasingly collaborative and integrated teaching, research and innovation through enhanced mobility and with strong links to ecosystems.

UNIGHT is the “UNITA edition” of the European Researchers’ Night, 29-30 September 2023. An event that involves researchers from five Countries with the aim of enhancing the dialogue between citizens and science, to actively participate in the most relevant social challenges of the present and the future.


17 November 2023
