Allana Avila Dorneles
Santa Maria, 1996. PhD student and external researcher at CIAUD – Center for Research in Architecture, Urbanism and Design (Covilhã Hub). Architect and Urban Planning from the Franciscan University (UFN), Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, and Integrated master’s in architecture from the University of Lisbon in 2021, with the thesis ‘’Florescer: Support Centre for People with Cancer.’’ In 2017, she participated in the creative development of a support center for people with cancer called Centro Kalida, at EMBT Architects (Enric Miralles and Benedetta Tagliabue), in Barcelona. In 2018-19, she attended the Erasmus program at the University of Beira Interior. In 2022, Allana co-authored the book “Centros Maggie: III Workshop de Arquitetura FEM/MBT e Arquitetura e Urbanismo UFN”.
Currently, his doctoral research is in the field of neuroarchitecture, with the thesis “Neuroarchitecture: The Influence of Spaces on the Health and Recovery of Patients Undergoing Medical Treatment”, supervised by professors João Paulo Delgado (UBI) and Pedro Borges de Araujo (FLUP). In parallel, Allana has been actively working as a freelance and 3D ARCHVIZ architect gaining valuable experience in various domains including commercial architecture, hospital architecture, interior architecture and housing complexes.