Ana Cunha
Ana Cunha is an architect with 23 years' experience working in municipalities such as Arganil, Góis and Fundão, leading multidisciplinary teams whose work covers various complementary areas. Responsible for a municipal organization, head of division, her main competencies are land management and planning and promoting the quality of life of the municipality's inhabitants. With her team and in collaboration with other departments of the municipality and consulting companies, she has developed various strategic plans to guide new generation public policies, such as PEDU - Fundão's Strategic Urban Development Plan, PAESC - Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan, ELH - Local Housing Strategy, CMH - Municipal Housing Charter and PDM - Fundão's Municipal Master Plan. In the field of architecture, his career has been defined by his practice in the rehabilitation of buildings and public spaces in the city of Fundão, with a focus on the old town of Fundão and all the parishes in the municipality. Responsible for implementing the Schist Villages program in the municipalities of Arganil, Góis and Fundão, she coordinated the preparation of the village plans, strategic documents that supported the applications of the schist villages to the current Community support framework. Consultant to ADXTUR - Schist Villages Tourism Development Agency (2003 - 2010). Member of the Board of Directors of the Gardunha 21 Development Agency, which manages the Serra da Gardunha Protected Landscape. He is currently doing a PhD in Architecture at the University of Beira Interior.