Carolina Batista
Carolina Batista (1981, Lisboa) is an architect with a master´s degree in Architecture from Instituto Superior Técnico, finished in 2008 with a dissertation themed “The City of the Future: What Sustainability? Case Study: Masdar, the city in the desert.” Durig that time she frequented the University of Rome “La Sapienza” while in Erasmus. Afterwards she participated in the InovContacto, an international internship programme, where she was placed in a wood construction company in Bordeaux, France. Carolina also worked as an independent architect but is currently working for the Municipality of Covilhã since 2011, in construction permits and urbanism, as well as participating in multidisciplinary teamwork related to legislation production and monuments classification proceedings. Recently participated in a round table dedicated to women as architecture professional´s promoted by the Order of Architects and started a radio programme called Covilhã Feminine. Her worked for the thesis focuses on urban disruptions. Currently researching for a Ph.D. in Architecture at the University of Beira Interior, on Urban Disruptions - studying space-time-use connections in the city of Covilhã.