Celestina Pires
Celestina Maria Pires Lourenço, extensive experience in Design, technologies of creation, programming, production and development of products and equipment of interior design, exhibitors for commercial areas and merchandising. Consultant for several companies in the area of interior Design, Architecture and reconstruction and rehabilitation with sustainable materials, meeting the mitigation of the carbon footprint in construction. I trained and accompanied Industrial Design interns at the University of Beira Interior, in a work context at the industrial unit. Training and experience in the area of certification in quality, environment, safety and social responsibility. Actively participated in the selection of materials, creation, development, production of stands and exhibition items for the Euroshop fair in Düsseldorf. I directed the Wood Production Department of commercial exhibitors, among others, using CAD, CAE, CAM, CIM and Laser technologies. Responsible for the Implementation of Management and Production Software in the department under my responsibility. Experience in the preparation of technical sheets. Trainee Production Director in the Wood Industry and Trade in Figueira da Foz. Erasmus LEONARDO DA VINCI Eurofortech (European Network For Forest And Wood Industries) in France. At ENSTIB (École National Supérieure des Technologies et Industries du Bois) Université Henri Poicaré. Technical study, tracking and evolution of the water treatment of the paint booths of various furniture industries (Ets Dupuis, Créations 2000 et Siège de Style à Neufchateua) in partnership with PLAB - Polo Lorrain de L'Ameublement Bois. I participated in several theatre activities. Education: Attendance of the PhD in Architecture - Faculdade de Engenharia e Arquitetura da Universidade de Beira Interior. CAP - Initial Pedagogical Study of Trainers (Conclusion: 2010). Post-Graduation of the Master's Degree in Lignocellulosic Materials Engineering - University of Lisbon, ISA (Conclusion: 2003). Bachelor's Degree in Wood Engineering (pre-Bologna) - Polytechnic Institute of Viseu - Escola Superior Tecnologia e Gestão de Viseu (Conclusion: 2001). Technical Course of CAD (computer-aided design) / CAM (computer-aided manufacturing) - CESAE Digital (official Autodesk Training Center) (Conclusion: 1995).