Filipa Pinto
Funchal, 1990. PhD student and research member at CIAUD - Research Center in Architecture, Urbanism, and Design. Master's degree in Architecture from the University of Beira Interior in 2016, with the thesis "Methodological relationships between architectural space and cinematic space." Since completing the master's degree, she has worked as a freelancer in the city of Covilhã and in 2021 founded the architecture, urban planning, and interior design firm called Fábrica Real, where she played a role in project creation and execution, and currently serves as a project manager. She has practiced the profession in various areas of architecture, from interior design to rehabilitation, to urban planning, houses and multi-family residential architecture, hotel buildings, and residences, both in the region and in other parts of the country. Currently, her doctoral research focuses on the field of cultural heritage, with the thesis "Documentation and mapping of Covilhã’s industrial heritage. Construction and transformation of an urban identity," supervised by professors Jorge Humberto Canastra Marum (UBI), José Ignacio Bergera Serrano (UNIZAR), and Professor Pedro Leão Neto (FAUP). Her focus on heritage, its preservation, and recovery have been guiding principles in her work.