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Centro de Investigação em Arquitectura Urbanismo e Design
Pólo da Universidade da Beira Interior
Rua Conselheiro Joaquim Pessoa, n.º 18
6201-001 Covilhã
Coordenação – Professora Doutora Rita Ochoa
Support and Communication – Dra. Mónica Gabriel
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275319700 (ext. 1701)
This Cycle of Studies (CS) aims at training researchers in the scientific area of Architecture, with high scientificqualification and with the capacity to develop research work autonomously, in higher education entities, R&D units, aswell as companies
This EC aims to be a space for deepening knowledge related to new architectural, urban and technological practices. Itaims through a theoretical and critical reflection of contemporaneity, a strong transdisciplinary vocation, convergentdisciplinary concerns and an epistemological reflection, to analyze the complex problem of society, art, heritage andterritory, giving operational meaning to the formation of knowledge related to the reality in which it moves
It should look at training based on knowledge, analysis, reflection and critical spirit, enabling participation inexperiences of good planning and construction practices.
more information
_UBI - Universidade da Beira Interior - Marca Gráfica
Candidatura a membro
Pedidos de financiamento
CIAUD.UBI is a research and development unit dedicated to Architecture and Urbanism, located at the University of Beira Interior, associated to the R&D unit of the Centre for Architecture, Urbanism from the Faculty of Architecture University of Lisbon.
Our mission is to develop scientific research and transmission of knowledge in the fields of Architecture, Urbanism and Design, in articulation with the study programs of Integrated Master and Doctorate in Architecture, guaranteeing the quality and depth of the pedagogical activity of the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture.
CIAUD.UBI synthetizes collaboratively way, research, teaching and practice, seeking differentiation through research innovation and its geographical proximity and specificity.
We develop basic and applied research in cooperation between arts, humanities, sciences and technologies, oriented to the challenges and opportunities of the academia, industry and society. CIAUD.UBI is structured in thematical fields developed by research groups articulating and complementing themselves, through a common strategy taken by the integrated members and collaborator members. Therefore, we promote scientific interest and development structured in two fields of architecture knowledge, through two research groups:
1. Laboratory of Design, Construction and Representation;
2. Laboratory of Territory and Society.
Our Goals
Our goals are the creation, production, dissemination and transmission of knowledge on Architecture, Urbanism and Design, strategically oriented to address international research and innovation issues and agendas, with a specific focus on the transformation and dynamization of the region.
Thus, CIAUD.UBI intends, on the one hand, to develop innovative projects to boost, enhance and promote the territory, seeking to differentiate itself as a pole of research, development and innovation and, on the other hand, to promote proximity to teaching practice and professional activity, defining goals and contents between the research developed by the different groups, the industry of the sector and the teaching of Architecture at UBI, such as:
- To produce and disseminate knowledge in the disciplinary areas of Architecture, Urbanism and Design;
- To ensure the quality and innovation of the activities of the Integrated Master and PhD studies in Architecture, at the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture;
- To contribute to the development of critical knowledge through specialized training and organization of events, on innovative topics in the scope of Architecture, Urbanism and Design, individually or in association with CIAUD and international research networks;
- To develop scientific and technological cooperation projects in priority areas, for the development and dynamization of the region and cross-border relations;
- To provide scientific and technological research services to national and international, public and private entities;
- To ensure regular consultation with R&D units, national or international with similar goals, encouraging the creation of networks and participation in projects of common interest;
- To organize scientific events, such as conferences, seminars, among other events, that contribute to the cultural extension and reach, but also to the development of new research trends in each area of specialization.